University of Maryland
Sociology 441: Stratification 

List of figures

The list is organized into the following topics:
Income & earnings average levels:
Trend Family income: median
Trend Individual earnings
Trend GNP per capita
Family income inequality:
Trend Overall income inequality (gini)
Trend Family income: bottom quintile
Trend Family income: top quintile
Pie Trend Family income inequality: share of bottom quintile
Trend Family income inequality: share of middle quintile
Trend Family income inequality: share of top quintile
Possible causes of inequality:
Pie Trend De-industrialization
Trend Foreign trade (globalization)
Trend Immigration (globalization)
Trend Minimum wage laws
Trend Productivity
Trend Unemployment
Trend Unionization
Individual earnings:
Trend Median earnings by gender
Trend 20th %ile earnings by gender
Trend 80th %ile earnings by gender
Trend Gender gap in median earnings
Trend Median earnings by gender & race
Trend Racial gaps in men's median earnings
Trend Racial gaps in women's median earnings
Trend Gender & race gaps in median earnings
Trend College graduates by gender
Trend Gender gap in college graduation
Trend High school dropouts by gender
Trend Individual earnings by gender
Trend Gender gap in individual earnings
Trend Labor force participation rates by gender
Trend Female share of the labor force
Trend Women's labor force participation by marital status
Trend Women public officials
Trend Gender attitudes (1)
Trend Gender attitudes (2)
Racial inequality:
Trend Racial gaps in college graduates
Trend Racial gaps in hs graduates
Trend Racial gaps in hs dropouts
Trend Racial gaps in life expectancy
Trend Racial gaps in family income
Trend Racial gaps in household income
Trend Racial gaps in poverty
Trend Racial gaps in men's earnings
Trend Racial gaps in women's earnings
Trend Racial gaps in unemployment
Trend Racial gaps in household type
Trend Minority public officials
Trend Minority public officials: local
Trend Racial attitudes
Trend Racial attitudes: schools
Trend Racial attitudes: vote for President
Trends separately by race:
Trend College graduates by race
Trend HS graduates by race
Trend HS dropouts by race
Trend Family income by race
Trend Household income by race
Bar Trend Poverty by race/ethnicity
Trend Unemployment by race
Trend Female heads of household by race
Trend Life expectancy by race
Trend Labor force participation by race
Trend Fertility by race
Trend Population % by race
Trend Poverty rates
Bar Trend Poverty by age
Bar Trend Poverty by education
Bar Trend Poverty by family type
Bar Trend Poverty by race/ethnicity
Trend Racial gaps in poverty
Family structure:
Trend Marriage rates
Trend Age at marriage
Trend Divorce rates
Trend Female heads of household
Trend Female heads of household by race
Trend Types of households
Trend Fertility rates
Trend Unmarried fertility rates
Government welfare payments:
Trend Aid to Families with Dependent Children
Trend Social security to retirees
Government & Politics:
Trend Voting rates
Trend Trust in government
Trend Federal taxes by type
Trend Total federal expenditures
Trend Federal expenditures by type
Trend Incarceration rates
Trend Unionization rates by data source
Trend Unionization rates by industry sector
Trend Union and nonunion wages
Trend Union-nonunion wage ratio
Trend Strike rates
Trend Strike and unemployment rates

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Last updated January 28, 2003
comments to: Reeve Vanneman.