University of Maryland i
Sociology 432: Social Movements

Sociology 432: Controversy and Coalition

The New Feminist Movement Across Four Decades of Change

Myra Marx Ferree Myra Marx Ferree and Beth B. Hess

Decline: chapters 6.2-8, (pages 137-219)

The main issues here are:

Neither of these are easy questions and they are still hotly contested in the popular press and in social science accounts. So don't expect the answers to be as clear as you would like.

We will address these two issues in the above order, although more of the material (but not all) to answer the success question can be found in Ferree and Hess's last chapter while the causes answers depends more on chapters 6 and 7.


In chapter 8, Ferree and Marx divide their evaluation of success into three areas. I would subdivide their first area, policy, into politics and economics. So we have four separate types of changes to evaluate: What were the important successes or failures in each of these areas in the 1980-2005 period? In each area, can you come to some overall evaluation of success, failure, or stalemate?


What aspects of American society changed in the 1980s and later that affected the success of the feminist movement? Eventually, we will categorize these into our four types of explanations. But, first, we just need to list the changes and make some evaluation of how important each was.
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Last updated Octover 3, 2005
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