University of Maryland i
Sociology 432: Social Movements

Sociology 432: Controversy and Coalition

The New Feminist Movement Across Four Decades of Change

Myra Marx Feree Myra Marx Ferree and Beth B. Hess

Tactics and Organizations: chapters 3.2-6.1, (pages 56-136)

Ferree and Hess make a distinction between two "strands" or "organizational styles" in the feminist movement: a bureaucratic and a collectivist mode. This distinction should be familiar from our discussion of Staggenborg's analysis of organizations in the pro-choice movements.

Our discussion will focus on this difference. You should be able to:

This last task (linking goals and organizational styles) is the most difficult part since it is not always clear in the text (and there was not always a clear division in the 1970s movement). We will start by:

There is another important theme in these chapters which we will have time only to note now and will come back to later in the semester: the feminist movement included many diverse groups and goals. Sometimes, it appears as if diversity led to divisions which led to a weakening of the movement. This is a general theme in analyses of many social movements. To what extent is decline in a movement (i.e., the second half of the cycle of protest) a result of divisions within a social movement so that energies are directed internally against different factions rather than externally against opponents?

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Last updated September 28, 2005
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