University of Maryland
Sociology 441: Stratification 

Exercise #5: elite networks

The purpose of this (last!) exercise is to look at some of the common data used to evaluate power elite theories. You will be assigned a corporation from the list of largest corporations. Your job is to identify the chief executive officer (CEO) of that firm and to evaluate the extent to which that person is linked to the American power elite as defined by Mills and his followers. In particular you should identify any evidence that:

  1. Went to an elite prep school (defined according to Useem as, Andover, Choate, Deerfield, Exeter, Groton, Hill, Hotchkiss, Lawrenceville, Milton, St.George's, St.Mark's, St.Paul's, and Taft).
  2. Went to an elite private college or University (i.e., Amherst, Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, M.I.T., Princeton, U. of Pennsylvania, Stanford, Williams, or Yale).
  3. Is listed in the Social Register.
  4. Is a member of one or more exclusive private clubs; following Useem, again:
  5. Is a member of the Board of Directors of another large corporation (not just a trade association, civic group, etc.).
  6. Is a member of the Board of Trustees of a college or university.
  7. Is a member of one or more of the leading Policy Planning Boards (i.e., Business Roundtable, Business Council, Committee for Economic Development (trustee), Conference Board (trustee or officer), Council on Foreign Relations.

After presenting the data, provide a short summary statement of how well this person fits in with the American power elite. The library reference sources you will need are:

In addition, looking up your CEO on the web can give you some interesting additional information. Just plug his name into any search engine and see what comes up! Due: Monday, May 8

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Last updated March 3, 2000
comments to: Reeve Vanneman.